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Kwai Star Platform

Influencer marketplace to promote business on Kuaishou App

As leading video sharing social networking services, Kuaishou Video App now has 300 millions DAU. The Kwai Star Platform (KSP) enables advertisers to select influencers on Kuaishou Video App to accomplish their marketing goals. Influencers can make short videos or go online streaming to help advertisers to promote app, build brand awareness, and increase local sales. Until November 2020, KSP has average 200 million Yuan (~$28 million USD ) monthly revenue with over 50,000 influencers and 3,000 advertisers.


Calvin Qiu, L. Chang and C. Wang



2020.07 - 2021. 06


Professional, Kuaishou Technology

Project Link


UX Design, User Interviews, Sketch, Brand Design,  HTML/Vue.js


The products involves both the advertiser-side web platform and influence-side mobile app in Kuaishou Video. According to customer data, the problems of previous version were:

  • The web platform lacked product capabilities to match advertisers to the right influencers, and many advertisers either didn’t know how to use the platform or were skeptical of the marketing outcomes;

  • The information architecture of current influencer app is not CLEAR and the order completion rate is only 60%


User Research

In order to understand existing usability issues and identify the main pain points, as well as to analyze experience problems quantitatively to provide insights for the re-design process, we worked with user research team to conduct interviews of 12 agent workers and influencer users within our target demographics over the course of three weeks. Sample questions are as follows:

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User Survey

We sent out 3000 invitations to complete a survey in Kuaishou app to influencers to analyze experience issues and  satisfaction scores. 462 surveys were received with 187 users responded to have experiences with KSP. Below are some of the experience problems our users mentioned.


Research Findings

WEB: 1) The product cannot support the needs of our advertisers, and some of them turned to competitor products;

2) It’s hard to filter and find the right influencers with the current product;

3) Influencers’ profile do not have information advertisers want such as expected views and CPM

MOBILE APP: 1) Users do not know how to complete a request/order;

2) Users do not know about the platform and how they can make money in it;

3) They do not know how to adjust reasonable quoted price.


Objectives & Journey Map

WEB: 1) Increase the accessibility of influencers’ information to advertisers such as CPM, view counts;

2) Increase the use-of-ease and reconstruct/shorten the processes of advertisers from registration, choosing influencers to completing orders to accomplish their marketing goals;

3) Optimize the overall experience before, during and after advertisers make orders by building more tools to help advertisers to compare influencers and see results.

MOBILE APP: 1)Attract more influencers to register and increase occupancy rate by 20%

2) Increase the order completion rate by 30%

3) Increase the active levels of influencers with 500k and less followers and add courses for them


Prototypes: KSP Influencer App


Influencer Home Page

By combining previous three types of quests into one page, the influencers can clearly distinguish from quests that assigned to them to quests they can freely participate themselves.



The profile page features the earnings, current quests, settings and other frequent used tools.


Quest Selection

For the recruitment quest, advertisers send out quest instructions with certain amount of budget and influencers can select from the list of quests to participate. They will get paid based on the view counts and other promotional index. The information of each page and tab has clear information to help them decide which one to participate.


On-Site Courses

There are a list of courses, excellent cases and popular videos to help influencers to complete quests and learn to make high-quality videos or streaming contents.


Prototype: KSP Web Platform


Faster Registration Process 

Have clear entrance to register for enterprise qualification and progress bars to inform customers

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Match Influencer and Advertiser

Influencer Dashboard. Optimize the navigation and information structure by use frequencies; Make important information shown on each influencer's list; Make CTA stand out. All contribute to help advertisers to find matched influencers.

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Influencer Profile. Improve information hierarchy to help find important data faster; Breakdown the page to Critical Data, Fans Personas and Fans Analysis to help advertisers to make sure if the influencer aligns with their marketing goals.

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  • Influencer Ranking. Add rankings of different types to help advertisers to identify potential influencers quicker.

  • IM (instant message) Tool. Add IM to help advertisers to reach influencer easier.

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Make Campaign Creation Easier

  • Shopping Cart. Previous version did not have shopping cart that is compatible for all types of orders, and the new one is both compatible and visible to customers for all steps throughout the process.

  • Redesign Forms. Make sure there is one entrance to place all types of orders and each shares same UI components to make sure customers have same actions and cognition.  The previous version has separated entrances.

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Campaign Data Report

Add full report for each order to help advertiser track if the order accomplishes their marketing goals and strategize ways they select influencers for later.

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Visual Identity Design

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