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Base_Title_3x.jpg Ad Design: Designing Promotion Customer-centric Graphics and Landing Pages

I joined the Amazon GPS (Global Production Service) team in Beijing, having the opportunity to learn from and work with an incredible team of designers, producers, front-end engineers, and managers. The GPS team is responsible for providing inspiration and designing promotional customer-centric graphics and landing pages by integrating marketing objectives, localization to streamline the process, target audiences of different platforms, creative assets and design strategies for 13 Amazon marketplaces.


I work frequently with retail business teams and art directors to develop campaign concepts and automation tools for new product and services including Prime Day, Prime Reading Launch and Black Friday Launch. I also receive project requests from different marketplaces simultaneously including North America, India, Australia and China by proficiently understanding style guides of each region.

Style Guide

GPS leads visual communication and branding for most retail categories at Amazon. And as there are a lot of brands, we need to remember many guidelines. The basic graphic type examples on home page is shown below.


Holiday 2018

Let me take North America "holiday 2018" as an example to show how visual design decisions are made. All Amazon products are using Amazon Ember font, a custom type exclusively designed for Amazon.


Graphic Examples

Following the basic style guides of colors and typography as well as usages of design assets, designers need also listen to retail teams' requests such like how they want to promote the products. For example, a product from one vendor is of more priority than another one, hence the design needs to accommodate that.


Other Marketplaces

I worked on India, China, Australia and Singapore marketplaces. Below are some designs I made. As sole visual designer on India PrimeReading Launch Event and China furniture page for Mid-Autumn Festival.

Artboard 1.jpg

India PrimeReading Launch

Artboard 1 copy 2.jpg

Mid-Autumn Festival Furniture Sale

Artboard 1 copy.jpg

Australia Travel Store Launch

Key Takeways

It's crucial that all the visual design decisions should be full thought and can be backed up with data and style guide to understand the reasonings and users you need to design for.

I learned to be intentional about color and font size choices, making sure that visually enough contrast ratio to suit all types of users. It is also important to consider users of different platforms, whether they are mobile, PC or tablets.

It is important to make sure that you understand feedback from all sides, both internally and externally. Understanding that other people's time is precious, it is essential to make yourself clear about what you need and what they need from a meeting, review, or critique.

Being able to communicate your idea is as important as making a good design, and make sure you can articulate your design decisions simple and straightforward and construct a vivid, clear story is helpful for both yourself and other team members. Show empathy and care about customers all time!

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